
Showing posts from August, 2021

Off (Position 3)

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a topic related to last one that is ‘ Off (Position 3) ’. This position comes with responsibility to initiate and sacrifice a fight. Let’s take about it in some detail. As we discussed in carry post that the enemy in that lane is a position 3 of enemy team. So, that means position 3 needs to play good so that enemy team carry has less farm and your team can capitalise on It. If we discuss of items off lane heroes go aura based or damage absorbing item like vanguard, hood etc. Mostly in every game the first tower falls is enemy safe lane which shows your off-lane player has done his work. After that off-lane teleports to his safe lane and try to defend it as enemy position 3 will try to take your safe lane. So, the team that takes the safe lane tower of enemy team has an advantage in game because then your carry gets space for farming. In late game off-lane has some items and then he is ready to initiate the fight now the que...

Mid (Position 2)

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought guys a topic connected to previous one that is ‘ Mid (Position 2) ’. This is a very high skill position as it is 1 vs 1 with enemy hero and whoever dominates the laning stage will snow ball the match. As we know the pace of the match is decided how you team mid lane is. It is one of the most competitive lane currently this because every mid lane hero make bottle and in the new 7.29 patch new water runes were introduced. So, every 2 minutes runes spawn for minute 2 and 4 it is water rune and then from 6 minutes normal runes spawn. The location is not random so you cannot predict where the rune will spawn. If your mid player dominates then he can leave his lane to help get kills in other lanes. Runes like double damage or invisibility can be used to setup the kill for you team. For the first 15 minutes a mid-player act as a carry for his team. Sometimes if your carry player cannot scale according to the game and falls off in game then th...

Carry (Position 1)

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a topic from roles that is ‘ Carry (Position 1) ’. I think one post is not enough for this role but I will try to keep it brief so that you guys know if you can play this role or not. As we know position 1 is the most important role in dota 2 match this is because after some time in a game a carry items and skill build decided if they can win a game or not. But, first let’s talk why it is called as carry. In the starting of the match the carry is very weak and need farm and levels to be strong. So, once he gets the required farm and items he can carry the game for his team so, in that way position 1 is also called as carry. For radiant carry player goes bottom as, it is safe lane of radiant and goes in top lane if carry is of dire team because top lane is safe lane for dire. Carry heroes mostly don’t go alone in lane they go with their support so they can help them in lane while hitting creeps. The opposite hero in safe lane i...


Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new topic series that is ‘Roles’. This is one of the most important topics in dota 2. As some one of you must know there are 5 roles in dota 2. If some people don’t know its fine, I was also unaware for some moths. In this post we will discuss the summary of each role and in detail in upcoming post. 1. Position 1 or Carry  This the position with the highest responsibility because a carry will decide in late game if it is winnable or not. I know other roles are also same important as this but this is a bit upper than others. A carry is a position in which a player needs to farm in early game and make require items and skill build that will help him dominate in late game. The name carry come as in late game a position 1 player carries the team to its destination it may be anything win or lose depends on player. There are many heroes for carry player but mostly agility heroes are considered as carry heroes.  2. Position 2 or...

Intelligence Heroes

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys the last topic of attribute that is ‘ Intelligence ’ Heroes. We will be discussing the roles and importance of intelligence heroes. When it comes to intelligence people mostly consider two position and that Is mid lane, soft support or hard support. Intelligence carry heroes can be some time possible but mostly it is mid or support only. As we know with every level in intelligence the max mana of the hero increases and their attack damage to. The strength gain of intelligence hero is very less which makes them very squishy and easy to kill. So, mostly support hero dies so that their carry lives which is more important. There are many more plus of playing a support hero that is you can take part in every fight because support heroes are less gold dependent. The spell damage of intelligence hero is very much which make them good in fight. Now if intelligence heroes play mid, they need some farm in order to get items and then t...

Agility Heroes

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new topic ‘ Agility ’ hero. In this post we will be discussing the roles and importance of it. So, mostly agility heroes play the role of carry or mid. It is very less possibility that they are played as a off lane or support hero. For agility heroes as we know agility give them damage, attack speed and armor so carry role is defined for them. Agility heroes are very weak in initial stage of the match so they require their support to baby sit them a bit until they get levels or items that will help in fight. A lot of last hits are required because we need items. Items like yasha, dragon lancer, manta style etc are made on agility hero because they give damage and attack speed. For playing carry role a player should have good farming skills so that he can join his team in fight as soon as he is strong enough to kill enemy heroes. Thank you guys for reading this post and stay tune for more dota 2 related content. Good Ga...

Strength Heroes

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys’ topic related to ‘ Strength ’ heroes. This will be a short one because we will discuss the roles associated to it. If we pick a strength hero then as we know every hero gains all 3 attributes per level so it is but obvious so strength heroes have more strength gain than other attributes. Most popular role for strength heroes is Off lane, Support and sometime carry. All the hero roles will be discussed in further post. The main role of the strength hero is to tank in fight which means he will be absorbing all the damage and spells for the team so that his team can fight without a burst damage. Sometime strength hero also plays mid but mostly popular for support and off lane. Heroes like life stealer, Sven, alchemist are some carry hero which come under strength hero section. So, strength heroes play a important role in the game when it comes to absorb or to initiate a fight. Thank you, guys, for reading this post and stay ...


Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new and interesting topic and that is ‘ Attributes ’. So, in general there are 3 types of attributes in dota 2 and they are Strength, Agility and Intelligence. In this we post we will discuss the summary of all the attributes and in detail in upcoming post. 1. Strength As we know every hero has a Hit point in short health. With increase level of hero in dota 2 the hit points of hero also increase. Now the question comes how much does it increase and which attribute is responsible. So, Strength defines the HP of your hero and bow much strength a hero will gain is different for every hero in dota 2.   But how much strength is converted in HP is fixed let’s see how. So, every point in strength increases max health by 20 (not current health) and health regeneration by 0.1. If it is a strength hero then every point in strength increases attack damage by 1. So, in this way strength attribute works. 2. Agility This attribut...

Magical Damage

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys the last type of damage that is ‘ Magical Damage ’. This type of damage mostly comes from spells of hero but in some case, it also occurs in form of passive ability. We will see in detail about it. So, as we have studied from the previous post related to magic resistance that every hero in dota 2 starts with 25% magic resistance and we also saw how it works with example. Heroes like Dark willow, Leshrac etc. are mostly spell damage heroes what that means is they mostly rely on spells in order to acquire a kill. So, in that case the most damage done from those heroes is magical. There are two ways in which we can reduce or amplify the damage. So, if your team or you are playing a hero like void spirit that relies on spells for killing enemy hero then you will make items that help in spell damage amplification like null talisman, Kaya etc. Now if enemy hero is playing magical hero then you can make items like pipe of insight, ...

Pure Damage

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new form of damage that is ‘ Pure ’. This post will be very short because the concept of pure damage is very simple. First let us discuss what hero’s and items do pure damage. Heroes like Pudge, Bane, Specter etc. have abilities that does pure damage. There are no such items yet that does pure damage there are some items like MKB which pierce the evasion and deals damage but that is not pure. Let us see with an example how does a pure damage works but first let us compare it with other form of damage. As we know that in damage types like physical and magical there are ways to reduce it buy in pure damage you cannot reduce it. Its means that if a hero ability damage is 300 and it is pure then the damage taken by you is also 300. Yes, there is no magic resistance in it. So, in short there is no way in which you can reduce the effect but you can survive it like making blade mail it will reflect damage in the same way done to ...

Physical Damage

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and toady I have brought you guys the first type of damage that is ‘ Physical Damage ’. As we that physical damage is something that you do by right click or attacking. So, as we have learned in the previous post that we can reduce the effects so there are also ways in which you can amplify or reduce the damage of hero. 1. Armor As we all know armor is used to reduced the incoming damage by soldiers. So, in same way it works in dota 2 armor helps hero to man fight enemy hero by reducing the attack damage. Sometimes if a enemy hero damage is mostly based on spells then items which gives you armor is not good. There are also items and abilities that reduce armor of hero. If you reduce the armor of hero than you can do more damage. 2. Damage Block In dota 2 some hero abilities prevent themselves by taking less damage from enemy heroes. For others there are item that provides you damage block so that you take less physical damage. Item like vanguard gives 50% ...

Damage Types

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new series of topic that is Damage types. There are different types of damages in dota 2. Following is the list of the damage types.   Physical Damage   Magical Damage Pure Damage We will just discuss basic of these damage types in detail will be discussed in upcoming post. 1.   Physical Damage As we know this is the most common type of damage in dota 2. Physical damage is something that is done by you when you attack enemy hero. There are many factors related to physical damage like evasion, armor, etc. which will be discussed further post. 2. Magical Damage This damage is mostly done by hero’s abilities or spells. In this we also have many factors like magic resistance which we discussed in previous post then we have magic absorption which will be discussed in further post. 3. Pure Damage This form of damage is very interesting because in the other two form of damage like physical and magical there ar...

Magic Resistance

Hello Guys. I’m AKA and today I have continuous of previous topic that is ‘ Magic Resistance ’. So, as we know that if there is status resistance for reducing the effect of negative status effect there is also a provision in which we can reduce the magic damage we receive from enemy heroes. In dota 2 there are hero and items that gives magic damage which sometimes can be very difficult to play against. So, in order to reduce it we need items or some of the heroes have abilities that gives them magic resistance. Note :- Every hero in dota 2 match starts with 25% magic resistance. There are items like BKB, Mage Slayer, Pipe of insight etc. makes you to take reduce magic damage by give you magic resistance. Just because every hero in dota 2 have 25% magic resistance it is not compulsory for carry hero to make items related to magic resistance. As we all know carry make BKB which indeed makes you spell immune so abilities which are magic and do not pierce spell immunity cannot harm...

Status Resistance

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new topic that is ‘ Status Resistance ’.   In the previous posts we discussed different type of status effect like Hex, Stun, Silence etc. So, the question comes how to get immune to it and if not immune how to reduce its effect. So, for that information you guys have to read this post very carefully. The best way to avoid stun or any other status effect is to make Black King Bar (BKB). As most of the spells does not pierce spell immunity but then also there are abilities and items like Pudge (Dissembler), Medusa (Stone Gaze), Skull Basher (Item), Abyssal Blade (Item) etc. which pierces spell immunity. Now question arrives that we cannot make first item BKB so how to prevent ourselves from the status effect? The answer is making item that gives you status resistance. There are some abilities of hero like Ursa (Enrage) when activated gives you status resistance. Items like Sange, Sange & Yasha, Heaven Halberd etc. g...

Status Effect :- Fear

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new topic that is ‘ Fear ’. So, fear is basically a status effect in which when used all the enemies in an area of effect will move in a particular direction for example towards their own fountain. Fear :- So, the above image is dark willow hero ability called as terrorize in which if it is used all the enemy heroes in the area of effect will run towards their fountain. So, during that particular amount of time enemy heroes cannot attack, use abilities and cannot even use item to dispel it. Heroes like Lich, Dark Willow etc. have abilities as fear. So, you cannot dispel fear. There is no such item yet which act as a fear. So, in order to fear enemy heroes, you need to pick heroes with those abilities. Fear can be very effective versus when your team need to disengage a fight so that you don’t lose many of you heroes and give you advantage in game. There are many combos in fights where fear can be game changing that we will...

Status Effect :- Disarm

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new status effect that is ‘ Disarm ’. So, it is very simple as the name suggest it disarm the enemy hero which means they can’t attack. Disarm :- So, the above image is just a representation of the disarm in which an enemy hero cannot attack you. But an enemy hero can use spells, abilities and items on you during disarm. There are heroes like Huskar, Invoker, Oracle etc. have abilities when used prevents enemy hero to attack you. Item like Heaven Halberd can be used on enemy to disarm them. So, most of the disarm can be dispelled by BKB, Manta style etc. But if a hero is disarmed by heaven halberd and the enemy hero uses BKB he will still be disarmed because the item states that it doesn’t pierces spell immunity but if used before activating spell immunity then it can be dispelled busing BKB or spell immunity abilities. So, in this way disarm is a great way to prevent yourself from getting attacked. If an enemy hero only...

Status Effect :- Root

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new status effect which is ‘ Root ’. It is a very simple concept with respect to other status effect we discussed. So, in a root enemy hero cannot move or use any abilities or item that contribute in movement. Root :- So, the above image is just a representation of the of root. Heroes like Meepo, Naga Siren, Oracle etc. have abilities which can root enemy hero. Unlike other status effect in root, you can attack but you cannot move or use abilities that relates to movement of the hero. So, it is a good way of keeping enemy hero in place and attack them. It is very easy to dispel root. Items like BKB, Manta Style, Guardian Greaves etc. can be used to dispel root. It is a good way to initiate a fight let’s take an example of it. Pudge first ability hook is something you need to be very particular so what most of the players do is root an enemy hero and then hook him so that it is a confirm initiation of the fight. Thank you, ...


Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new topic and it is ‘ Taunt ’. It is a unique spell or can also be called as status effect. How this works is if you taunt a enemy hero he is forced to attack you for a particular amount of time. Taunt :- So the above image is of a hero Axe who has taunted enemy hero in which you can see enemy hero is forced to attack axe for a particular duration of time. Hero’s like Axe, Legion Commander, Huskar (With Aghs Scepter) have a ability as taunt. In case of Legion commander it is called as Duel which is same as taunt but the only difference is that in duel Legion Commander cannot use item during duel and in axe taunt he can use item during taunt. In both taunt and duel enemy cannot use item or abilities. Taunt or Duel cannot be dispelled so in such a way it is a good ability to lock your enemy in one place so that your team can also hit enemy hero during the taunt duration. There are no specific item yet that work as the same w...

Status Effect :- Break

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new status effect that is ‘ Break ’. This status effect is different from the other effects. For this we will be using a hero’s abilities to know it more better. Break:- The above image is a active ability of hero name Viper. So how this ability work is it applies a break on a hero. Now break is not like hex, stun or silence in which u can’t use item or abilities in break you can use abilities as well as item what its affects is our passive abilities. Some people think it is nothing but now I’ll give you guys a example of it and then you will know how important or deadly it can be for your hero. Let’s take a hero as PA the ultimate of PA is a passive ability which applies a critical damage to enemy hero. If PA stands in the second in the second ability of viper while hitting him, she cannot get her ultimate on viper because she is under a break status effect which prevents her ultimate that is a passive ability to be activ...

Status Effect :- Hex

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought a new status effect which is ‘ Hex ’. So hex is basically similar to stun where you can’t use your abilities as well as item. But unlike stun you can move from your location with reduced movement speed. Hex :-   So hex is basically a spell in which you are converted into a harmless creature. So it is also a great way to initiate a fight and control over your enemy. Heroes like Lion, Shadow Shaman etc. have abilities as hex. There is also a item which can be used to hex enemy hero and that item is Scythe of Vyse. Some hex can be dispelled and some cannot. Like in previous post we discussed some hero’s that can do that. So overall in this way hex can be great way to initiate a fight and gain control over the enemy hero. Thank you for reading this post stay tune for more dota 2 related content.                       ...

Status Effect :- Stun

Hello Guys, I'm AKA and today I have brought you another status that is ' Stun '. So a stun is basically a disable spell or a bash which makes you stand still for a particular amount of time unlike silence in which you are allowed to move from your location. Stun :- So as you can see in the above image a hero is stunned and standing still in one place for a amount of time. So as I mentioned in previous post the silence can be dispel with the help of item but in stun you are not able to use any item. So the question comes how to avoid or dispel stun so first of all it is not possible to dispel stun but there are hero like Slark and Tidehunter which can dispel but there is also a condition in it. Like for tidehunter if a damage is taken above a threshold level then it provides a strong dispel to the hero. Kraken Shell is the ability that provides a strong dispel which is a passive ability. Passive abilities are mention in my previous post please refer to that if new. As for ...

Status Effect :- Silence

Hello Guys, I'm AKA here and today we are gonna start a series of topic related to Status Effect .   What is status effect?. In simple terms status effect is a debuff that affects you negatively. There are many types of Status effect one of them is Silence . Silence :- The above image is just a representation of silence. When a enemy hero silences you, as a hero you are not able to use your abilities (spells) for a particular amount of time. Now if you have silence in your hero then great or if enemy hero has it there are ways to deal with it. Silence is good against heroes like Juggernaut and Lifestealer etc because they have in build BKB (will be explained in further post). So if you silence them then they can be killed easily (if they do not have dispel). There are many items for dispelling silence and some of the hero's have in build dispel like Slark and Tidehunter etc. Items like Guardian greaves, Manta Style, Satanic, BKB etc. can dispel silence and give you advantage. T...

Hero's Abilities

Hello Guys, I'm AKA here and for today I have brought you guys dota 2 heroes abilities. So out of all the hero's in dota 2 some have only ' Active' abilities and some have both ' Active'   as well as ' Passive ' abilities so lets lets take a hero for example and discuss its abilities in details. Note:- To activate Active ability we need to press key assigned to it and for Passive ability no key need to be pressed to activate it. Just to know abilities we will take a hero with both active and passive abilities so it would be  Phantom Assassin (PA) .   1.STIFLING DAGGER The above image is the first ability of PA. It is an active ability. In order to use a active ability we need to press the key assigned to it and activate it that is why it is called as active ability. We are not gonna discuss its working it will done in guide. 2. PHANTOM STRIKE The above image is the second ability of PA which is also a active one which means we need to press key to activa...

What Is Dota 2 ?

 Hello Guys, I'm AKA here and today I have brought my first ever post on this blog which is 'What is Dota 2'. Those who know can skip this blog but for those who are new to game must read this so that they get acquainted with the game. So let's start. Dota 2 can be defined as a arena based online multiplayer video game. Its an acronym for Defense Of The Ancient 2 . It is a complete strategy game which consist of two teams and which every team kills the ' Ancient ' of the enemy team will win the match. So to understand more easily consider it as a chess game where who ever kills or checkmate the King which in dota 2 is Ancient wins the match. So as we know in chess there are pawns in dota 2 they are known as creeps. Following is the map of the dota 2 (It is not a actual map it for understanding) So as we can see the bottom left is Radiant and top right is Dire . As we can see there are 3 lanes they are top, middle and bottom. Creeps swan in every 30 sec from ev...