Off (Position 3)
Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a topic related to last one that is ‘ Off (Position 3) ’. This position comes with responsibility to initiate and sacrifice a fight. Let’s take about it in some detail. As we discussed in carry post that the enemy in that lane is a position 3 of enemy team. So, that means position 3 needs to play good so that enemy team carry has less farm and your team can capitalise on It. If we discuss of items off lane heroes go aura based or damage absorbing item like vanguard, hood etc. Mostly in every game the first tower falls is enemy safe lane which shows your off-lane player has done his work. After that off-lane teleports to his safe lane and try to defend it as enemy position 3 will try to take your safe lane. So, the team that takes the safe lane tower of enemy team has an advantage in game because then your carry gets space for farming. In late game off-lane has some items and then he is ready to initiate the fight now the que...