
Showing posts from September, 2021

Position 4 Itemization

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a topic in ongoing series that is ‘ Position 4 Itemization ’. In this post we will discuss how a soft support should itemize. As a soft support initial game item are same as discussed before but one of the main items is ward. Yes, guys it might seems less important but it is important because it can prevent your carry from getting ganked and also help you to gank enemy carry by smoking and warding their jungle. So, warding is one of the main roles of support. So, please do not get offended if you core say to ward jungle. Instead of arguing just do it if possible. Now the next question comes is which boots to make for a soft support so it is simple most of the hero who lack speed and health regen or max health go for tranquil boots. But there are some support heroes which need to you a lot of spells and run out of mana. For those you need to go mana boots. So, the boots are decided so now come what to make in mid game for thi...

Position 3 Itemization

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new topic in series that is ‘ Position 3 Itemization ’. Itemization for this role is never fixed because not only it depends on enemy heroes but also on you own team hero how will it affect let’s discuss. Now the pre-game item will be same as discussed before. Now when it comes to boots the same logic as position 1 hero will come into picture for position 3 hero. So, select which boots you need according to the game. A pos 3 needs to stay in lane and try to make enemy teams carry hero laning stage bad. So, for a position 3 or Off-Laner his itemization is mostly based across aura item and getting tanky. This is because if you don’t have a good initiator in your team then position 3 players has to do it. For able to initiate a team fight a pos 3 needs to be tanky because he will be the first target who will be burst with all spells by enemy team. So, a pos 3 needs to be tanky.   When it comes to aura items it depends to ...

Position 2 Itemization

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a topic in series that is ‘ Position 2 Itemization ’. In this mid lane player need to read this carefully. So, when it comes to position 2 player itemization is very tricky this is because the pace of the game is set by position 2 player as mentioned in previous post so if the pace is fast items needs to be cheap and if you want to take game to late then different approach is required. Now the pre-game items are same as mentioned before. The most difficult decision is which boots to buy so the answer is simple. Most of the player go phase boots because it gives armor and damage plus bonus movement speed for a particular amount of time. If in a game you realize that you team lacks lane clearing hero then you need to go boots of travel because it will help you clear the wave in all 3 lanes and also allow you to help team in fight. But keep in mind the cost of the boots of travel it is very high around 2.5K and phase boot is 1....

Position 1 Itemization

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new topic in series that is ‘ Position 1 itemization ’. In this post we will learn how to itemize fir a carry hero. So, pre-game items are same as discussed before when it comes to early game carry heroes tend to make items that give them agility or attack speed. This is done because on mid game a carry hero needs to farm so damage and attack speed id must. Now when it comes to which boots carry should make there are mainly two types Power Threads and Phase boots. Now the question comes what to make on carry. The answer is it is different for different heroes. Hero like specter, drow ranger, phantom lancer makes power threads and heroes like juggernaut, ursa, troll war load makes phase boots. The decision is made upon their requirement like some carry hero have good base armor so they don’t need extra armor form phase boots so power threads are made on those hero. Some heroes have low armor but good attack speed and damage...


Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys an interesting topic which is ‘ Itemization ’. Just because it is interesting it doesn’t mean that it is not important. It is one of the most important part of game. If you do a wrong itemization then there are higher chances that you will lose that match so itemization is important. If you are a carry player then it is one of the most important post for you because right items can help you to win game. This is a general post on items because it is different for different roles so I will discuss the itemization of each role in further post so stay tune. So, first thing first when the game starts what all items you need to buy is discussed in previous post titled ‘ Pre-Game ’. As we progress to laning stage the most common item that all players make is Boots of speed which then upgraded. Which upgraded boots should each role buy will be discussed in further post. Then comes fighting items for core (position 1, position 2, pos...


Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today topic is ‘ Patches ’. It is something of dota 2 but not in game analysis it about knowing the new Meta or to be precise it is about heroes. Now when I say heroes it means that some time a hero with the combination of some times is over power which can unbalance the game and it will be difficult to win if that hero is in enemy team so in order it does not happen Valve who owns Dota 2 decides what to change of that hero in order to balance it. It is not only hero’s items and neutral items can also be over power so in a patch neutral item, hero and items receive good or bad updates in order to balance the game. It is after valve analysis our game and then decides what to do. Now what happens it when patch come the previous hero and combination are nerfed but in that what happens is some other hero or combination dominates so in order to prevent that mini patches or update are released to balance them. Sometime changes are also done to the map if one o...

Late Game

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today is the last topic of the series that is ‘ Late-Game ’. In this post we will discuss what all objective and how to transition from mid-game to late game. Late game is mostly same for every player because by that time all the cores and supports have farmed to fight. What is more important in late game is about team fight and who wins it. Now low MMR brackets team fights starts when some one sees some one on their side of map and just goes for the fight but this not how it should be implemented. The correct way to initiate the fight is to jump on that enemy hero that is important for that team which means if that hero is alive, you cannot win team fight. Sometime it might be carry some time it will be position 2 depends whose game was better early. So, now the question comes how to select that one hero it is simple you have focus on hero whose laning and mid game was very good. Killing that hero will weaken enemy team and they will have two option tha...

Mid Game

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new topic in series that is ‘ Mid-Game ’. In this section we will discuss what all different roles players have to do in mid game. For instance, we will take carry player. For a carry player the most important phase is mid game there are two reasons for it one of them is that if a carry player has arrived from the bad laning stage then this is the best time for him to recover and com back in the game. The second reason is that is the laning stage was good then he has an opportunity to dominate mid game and close the game early so that enemy carry doesn’t dominate you. So, farming speed, farming pattern, laning pushing etc. are the skills required for the carry player in mid game. For a position 2 player it is simple because it is a 1 v 1 lane where it is quite equal and he can farm in mid game. For a position 2 player early game is very important because he can set the speed of the game for his team. But mid game is also an ...

Early Game

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new topic in ongoing series that is ‘ Early-Game ’. In this post we will discuss what all needs to be done so that you can enter smoothly in the mid game which is the most important phase. So, in Early game we have all the items which we buy in pre-game or at the start of the game. So, then the important part is that we need to upgrade those items or buy other items in order to fight. In order to do that we need to farm as we are very weak in early game because of less level and item we can’t straight go farming. That is when the most important parts in to be done that is to hit the creeps which spawns every 30 sec in every lane. As we know in every lane, we have enemy heroes so that is when we require last hitting skills in order to get farm and experience. Early game is also called as Laning stage and it is called that because we spend most of the time in lane hitting creeps. Now for every hero there is different time fr...

Pre Game

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new series of topic that is ‘ Game Stages ’ and the first topic is ‘ Pre-Game ’. So, in this topic we will discuss what to do in the 2 minutes before the match starts. During the countdown of the match, we can buy early game or pre games items. Every player in game on both sides starts with 600 gold. So, it means there is equality in each player from start of the game. These are some of the basic items which every player buys in start of the game. 1. Tangos 2. Quelling Blade (For core hero) 3. Circlet 4. Iron Branch 5. Magic Stick 6. Slippers of Agility (For Agility Hero) 7. Gauntlets of Strength (For Strength Hero) 8. Mantle of Intelligence (For Intelligence Hero) So, the above items are just the summary of all the items there are many more items that players can buy but these one is the most popular. There is something which is very much popular in supports role or even carry can buy it sometimes and that i...

Hard Support (Position 5)

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today is the last topic of the series roles that is ‘ Hard Support (Position 5) ’. It is some what same as soft support but have some difference. Let’s see how So, Hard support main difference is that it doesn’t farm anything which means if her is farming a camp and his team carry comes to hit that farm then he leaves that camp. In this way hard support has very less farm as compared to team and even less than his soft support. As hard support doesn’t farm so it makes it obvious that they go with carry in safe lane where his carry can hit creeps and he can harass the enemy off-lane and soft support. Hard support in the beginning of the game always buys regen item for his carry so that he can stand his ground and contest with enemy heroes. Hard support also ensures that he blocks the camp that the enemy can pull. He also sometimes stacks for his mid hero or of his carry. Also denies creeps s that enemy are deprived of gold and experience. If it comes to s...

Soft Support (Position 4)

Hello Guys, I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys ‘ Soft Support (Position 4) ’. This is also important role in a match because it helps your team to secure kills. Let’s discuss it in further detail. Now everyone knows that there are 2 support soft support and hard support. We are discussing soft support so the main difference in soft support and hard support is that the support that goes with carry is hard support and the one that goes with off-lane is soft support. There is a reason for this that is when a support pulls the camp for the carry the carry goes there and farm the creeps and if a support pulls then the creeps are taken by soft support. So, in short, we can say that soft support farms a bit but hard support doesn’t. Soft support makes item for himself that help him team like Mana boots, Blink, Force Staff etc. Some times they also make aura items or item that buffs the carry. Warding is one of the responsibilities of the support and also dying sometime so that ...