Soft Support (Position 4)

Hello Guys,

I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys ‘Soft Support (Position 4)’. This is also important role in a match because it helps your team to secure kills. Let’s discuss it in further detail.

Now everyone knows that there are 2 support soft support and hard support. We are discussing soft support so the main difference in soft support and hard support is that the support that goes with carry is hard support and the one that goes with off-lane is soft support.

There is a reason for this that is when a support pulls the camp for the carry the carry goes there and farm the creeps and if a support pulls then the creeps are taken by soft support. So, in short, we can say that soft support farms a bit but hard support doesn’t.

Soft support makes item for himself that help him team like Mana boots, Blink, Force Staff etc. Some times they also make aura items or item that buffs the carry. Warding is one of the responsibilities of the support and also dying sometime so that his carry leaves.

Support also initiate fight to capitalize on enemy team. So, this is summary of things a support needs to do in match.

Thank you, guys for reading this post and stay tune for more dota 2 related content.

Good Game

Next Topic :- Hard Support (Position 5)


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