Position 4 Itemization

Hello Guys,

I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a topic in ongoing series that is ‘Position 4 Itemization’. In this post we will discuss how a soft support should itemize.

As a soft support initial game item are same as discussed before but one of the main items is ward. Yes, guys it might seems less important but it is important because it can prevent your carry from getting ganked and also help you to gank enemy carry by smoking and warding their jungle. So, warding is one of the main roles of support.

So, please do not get offended if you core say to ward jungle. Instead of arguing just do it if possible. Now the next question comes is which boots to make for a soft support so it is simple most of the hero who lack speed and health regen or max health go for tranquil boots. But there are some support heroes which need to you a lot of spells and run out of mana. For those you need to go mana boots.

So, the boots are decided so now come what to make in mid game for this I need to mention one thing that a support should never go core items yes guys you heard right please stay support do not try to become a core in match you already have it. Now for mid game it comes to enemy heroes and your team heroes if enemy team has a great initiation or catch then you need to make defensive items like glimmer cape, force staff etc.

If you team lacks initiation or catch then you need make items like blink, aether lense etc. these items will help to catch enemy hero and allow your team to capitalize on it. It is possible that sometime you initiate and enemy team counter initiate so don’t get angry that your team didn’t help you think that your sacrifice saved your team from bad engagement.

Don’t worry if you have many deaths because if your death is what getting your team good fight and objective then so be it. So, this is it for soft support.

Thank you, guys for reading this post and stay tune for more dota 2 related content.

Good Game

Next Topic :- Position 5 Itemization


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