Position 2 Itemization

Hello Guys,

I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a topic in series that is ‘Position 2 Itemization’. In this mid lane player need to read this carefully.

So, when it comes to position 2 player itemization is very tricky this is because the pace of the game is set by position 2 player as mentioned in previous post so if the pace is fast items needs to be cheap and if you want to take game to late then different approach is required. Now the pre-game items are same as mentioned before.

The most difficult decision is which boots to buy so the answer is simple. Most of the player go phase boots because it gives armor and damage plus bonus movement speed for a particular amount of time. If in a game you realize that you team lacks lane clearing hero then you need to go boots of travel because it will help you clear the wave in all 3 lanes and also allow you to help team in fight.

But keep in mind the cost of the boots of travel it is very high around 2.5K and phase boot is 1.4K. So, if you have a good laning stage then go boots of travel otherwise go phase boots. When it comes to mid game you should focus on items that help team as well as you. There are many options in it so can discuss here. For that you need to refer guide or see the build for it on YouTube.

Spell immune like BKB is important for some of the mid hero. If enemy team has a lot of dispel then you should go for it otherwise if avoidable then fine. Some of the mid player also needs item that help them initiate like blink, euls, orchid etc.

So, in this way itemization can be done on the position 2 hero.

Thank you, guys, for reading this post and stay tune for more dota 2 related content.

Good Game

Next Topic :- Position 3 Itemization



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