
Hello Guys,

I’m AKA and today I have brought you guys a new topic that is ‘Objectives’. Now some people consider towers as an only objective but there is more to it then you know.

In a dota 2 game we know that we have different roles and each team has same amount of map control in the start of the game and during the match the situation changes. Now how that happens let’s see how.

We know there are wards in game so if you manage to place the ward in an enemy jungle then you can kill some one or plan a gank if some one comes to farm there. Now how this works is that some time enemy doesn’t know you have placed a ward but once you kill them in their own jungle then they realize that their jungle is warded so they will be more cautious than before they some time even can bait themselves so that when you initiate on them, they counter initiate you.

So, warding an enemy jungle can help you control their side of map. Now other scenario is when you kill enemy player then will back and you can destroy their towers. So, in this way ward and towers can be called as objectives. There is one more important objective that is outpost in 7.30 update the outpost gives you exp every minute.

Now how can you capture it is to destroy enemy tier 2 tower then you can control enemy outpost. By doing that you deny experience form outpost as well as take their jungle so that they can’t farm so outpost is also one of the more important objectives in game. The main focus should be to take the tower closer to outpost so that they can’t farm and you can kill them if they come to recapture their outpost.

Now there are some times that enemy team has good high ground defend so you can’t straight end the game. So, in that case you need to destroy all tier 2 towers and try to take enemy tier 3 towers. If you take all 3 tier 3 of enemy team then mega creeps arrive now, I’m not saying that it is not possible to come back from mega it is just tough and for that you need to throw for it. So, how mega creeps help is when you fight in their base enemy team will fight you and then the mega creeps will take their ancient and you will eventually win the match.

Thank you, guys for reading this post and stay tune for more dota 2 related content.

Good Game

Next Topic :- Oder of Itemization


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